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书籍名:《真相与错觉》    作者:塔莎.欧里希
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[1] 1英里=1 609.344米。——编者注

[2] “I heard the bullets whistle”:George Washington. Letter to John A.Washington. May 31, 1754. MS. N.p.

[3] “I shall not fear the attack”:George Washington. Letter to Robert Dinwiddie. June 3, 1754. MS. N.p.

[4] “advancing when he should”:Ron Chernow. Washington: A Life. Penguin, 2010, p. 49.

[5] “Any ape can reach”:Vilayanur S. Ramachandran. The Tell- Tale Brain:A Neuroscientist’s Quest for What Makes Us Human. W. W. Norton &Company, 2012, p. 4.

[6] Some have even argued:Mark R. Leary and Nicole R. Buttermore. “The evolution of the human self: Tracing the natural history of self-awareness.”Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour33.4 (2003): 365– 404.

[7] it came with a survival:Donna Hart and Robert W. Sussman. Manthe Hunted: Primates, Predators, and Human Evolution.Basic Books,2005, pp. 159– 164.

[8] people who know themselves:This finding comes from our self awareness research program.

[9] They make smarter decisions:D. Scott Ridley, et al. “Self- regulated learning: The interactive influence of metacognitive awareness an d goal- setting.”Journal of Experimental Education60.4 (1992): 293– 306;Saundra H. Glover, et al. “Re- examining the influence of individual vaues on ethical decision making.”From the Universities to the Marketplace:The Business Ethics Journey. Springer Netherlands, 1997. 109– 119.

[10] They have better personal:Stephen L. Franzoi, Mark H. Davis, and Richard D. Young. “The effects of private self- consciousness and perspective taking on satisfaction in close relationships.” Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 48.6 (1985): 1584–1594.

[11] and professional relationships: Clive Fletcher and Caroline Bailey. “Assessing self- awareness: Some issues and methods.” Journal of Managerial Psychology 18.5 (2003): 395– 404; John J. Sosik and Lara E. Megerian. “Understanding leader emotional intelligence and performance: The role of self- other agreement on transformational leadership perceptions.” Group & Organization Management 24.3 (1999): 367– 390.

[12] They raise more mature children: Heather K. Warren and Cynthia A. Stifter. “Maternal emotion-related socialization and preschoolers’ developing emotion self-awareness.” Social Development 17.2 (2008): 239– 258.

[13] They’re smarter: Vladimir D. Shadrikov. “The role of reflection and reflexivity

[14] choose better careers: Chris Brown, Roberta George- Curran, and Marian L. Smith. “The role of emotional intelligence in the career commitment and decision- making process.” Journal of Career Assessment 11.4 (2003): 379– 392; Romila Singh and Jeffrey H. Greenhaus. “The relation between career decision- making strategies and person- job fit: A study of job changers.” Journal of Vocational Behavior 64.1 (2004): 198– 221.

[15] more creative: See Paul J. Silvia and Maureen E. O’Brien. “Self- awareness and constructive functioning: Revisiting ‘the human dilemma.’” Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology 23.4 (2004): 475, 480– 481.

[16] more confident: Anna Sutton, Helen M. Williams, and Christopher W. Allinson. “A longitudinal, mixed method evaluation of self- awareness training in the workplace.” European Journal of Training and Development 39.7 (2015): 610– 627.

[17] better communicators:Ibid.

[18] less aggressive: Peter Fischer, Tobias Greitemeyer, and Dieter Frey. “Unemployment and aggression: The moderating role of self-awareness on the effect of unemployment on aggression.” Aggressive Behavior 34.1 (2008): 34– 45.

[19] less likely to lie: See Paul J. Silvia and Maureen E. O’Brien. “Selfawareness and constructive functioning: Revisiting ‘the human dilemma.’” Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology 23.4 (2004): 475, 479– 480.

[20] better performers at work: Allan H. Church, “Managerial self- awareness in high- performing individuals in organizations.” Journal of Applied Psychology 82.2 (1997): 281–292.

[21] get more promotions: Bernard M. Bass and Francis J. Yammarino. “Congruence of self and others’ leadership ratings of naval officers for understanding successful performance.” Applied Psychology 40.4 (1991): 437– 454.

[22] more effective leaders: Bass and Yammarino, “Congruence of self and others’ leadership ratings”; Malcolm Higgs and Deborah Rowland. “Emperors with clothes on: The role of self- awareness in developing effective change leadership.” Journal of Change Management 10.4 (2010): 369– 385.

[23] more enthusiastic employees: Kenneth N. Wexley, et al. “Attitudinal congruence and similarity as related to interpersonal evaluations in manager- subordinate dyads.” Academy of Management Journal 23.2 (1980): 320– 330.

[24] lead more profitable: Atuma Okpara, et al. “Self awareness and organizational performance in the Nigerian banking sector.” European Journal of Research and Reflection in Management Sciences 3.1 (2015); Harry Schrage. “The R&D entrepreneur: Profile of success.” Harvard Business Review, November– December, 1965, 56– 69; Korn Ferry Institute. “Korn Ferry Institute study shows link between self- awareness and company financial performance,” kornferry, June 15, 2015, http://kornferry/ press/korn- ferry- institute- study- shows- link- between- self- awareness- andcompany- financial- performance/.

[25] 600 percent more likely: PDI Ninth House. “Accurate self- insight decreases derailment risk,” Leadership Research Bulletin, January 24, 2013,http://kornferry/institute/565- accurate- self- insight- decreasesderailment- risk.

[26] a staggering $50 million: J. Evelyn Orr, Victoria V. Swisher, King Y. Tang, and Kenneth De Meuse. “Illuminating blind spots and hidden strengths,” kornferry, September 2010, http://kornferry/ media/lominger_pdf/Insights_Illuminating_Blind_Spots_and_Hidden_ Strengths.pdf.

[27] trouble figuring out: University of Phoenix School of Business. “Nearly three- fourths of US workers in their 30s want a career change,” University of Phoenix News release, July 29, 2015, http://phoenix.edu/ news/releases/2015/07/uopx- survey- reveals- three- fourths- us- workers- intheir- thirties- want- career- change.html; http://bls.gov/news.release/ pdf/nlsoy.pdf.

[28] 我时常被问及,自我意识和情商有什么关系。简单来讲,情商是关于人类对自身及他人情感的意识和管理,而自我意识含义更广:它包含了人类具有的情感之外的内在特质——自我的价值、热情、渴望、契合、榜样、反应及对他人的影响,和他人是如何看待我们的。

[29] “are often flawed”: David Dunning, Chip Heath, and Jerry M. Suls. “Flawed self- assessment implications for health, education, and the workplace.” Psychological Science in the Public Interest 5.3 (2004): 69– 106.

[30] “more than most, Washington’s biography”: W. W. Abbot, “An Uncommon Awareness of Self,” Prologue: Quarterly Journal of the National Archives and Records Administration 29 (1989): 7– 19; repr. in George Washington Reconsidered, ed. Don Higginbotham (University Press of Virginia: 2001).

[31] Washington 2.0 reveled: Chernow, p. 603.

[32] “I can bear to hear”:Ibid., p. 603.

[33] “studied every side”:Ibid., p. 521.

[34] “consult[ing] with our means”:Ibid., p. 378.

[35] “While I realize the arduous nature”:Ibid., p. 560.

[36] After surveying thousands:If you’re wondering whether a sample of 50 people is enough to glean meaningful conclusions about self- awareness, it may be important to point out the difference between quantitative and qualitative research. Though much of our research was quantitative — that is, giving people numeric surveys — our examination of our selfawareness unicorns was qualitative in nature. Qualitative research delves deeper into each participant — in our case, with extensive interviews — in order to look for themes and patterns. And for a qualitative study, 50 is actually a pretty high number, especially considering that the unicorns were so difficult to find!

[37] nearly 30 million Nigerians:“INEC Officially Announces Buhari as Winner of Presidential Race,”pulse.ng, April 1, 2015, http://pulse.ng/politics/nigeria-elections-2015-inec-officially-announces-buhari-as-winner-of-presidential-race-id3619743.html.



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